Join the Decuple Whitelist for
Early Access to NFT Minting.

Thank you for your interest in Decuple! We are currently in the early stages of our platform and are excited to share our progress with you. While minting NFTs is not yet available, you can still explore our website and sign up for our whitelist to stay updated on our upcoming launch. Being on the whitelist means you will be among the first to know when we launch and have the opportunity to mint NFTs before the public. Thank you for your support and we can't wait to have you as part of the Decuple community!

Learn More About Decuple's Whitelist Benefits and Details here.

Mint & Elevate
your digital assets
to new heights with
Decuple NFTs.

0 / 50000 Minted

 Mint  Whitelist

Single Mint

Unit Price: 0.1 USD

Total: 0.1 USD

Mint 1x

3x Mint

Unit Price: 0.0666 USD

Total: 0.2 USD

Mint 3x

5x Mint

Unti Price: 0.06 USD

Total: 0.3 USD

Mint 5x

The Story

About Us

Decuple is a multi-platform web 3.0 mega project that aims to empower its users by introducing innovative solutions such as brandstaking and fee-free transactions. Our goal is to make crypto operations seamless and accessible to our NFT holders. With a focus on user experience, we strive to provide low-cost and efficient services to enable a smooth transition into the future of blockchain technology.

For more information, please check out our detailed whitepaper.

For a quick look into the Decuple, please download powerpoint pitchdeck.

  • 50000
    Total Items
  • 1000$
    NFT Mint Floor Price
  • 500+
    Number of Attributes
  • 0
    Whitelist participants

Our Goals


Use cases

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    Finance Club

    Specialized financial market services.

    Exclusive services such as trade signals, derivatives, trading on oil, indicators and... more details to be released soon.

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    Global NFTs

    Prtner NFT project services.

    We will explore partnerships with other NFT projects, expanding the services available to their users. Read more.

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    Opous Launchpad Platform

    Opous is Decuple's launchpad for future projects. More details to be released soon.


Question & Answer

What is Decuple?

Decuple is an NFT project introducing brandstaking. In the decuple platform, you can mint, trade and stake NFTs and earn rewards by participating in brandstaking.
Read more about brandstaking here.

How we can buy and invest NFT ?

You can mint decuple NFTs in the Mint section.
You can buy decuple NFTs on the too.
You also can trade decuple NFTs on the our local Marketplace and benefit some extra DCO.

Why we should choose Decuple ?

There is a wide variety of options. All can benefit you in different ways. Since the decuple is a utility base collection, owning tokens, you will gain access to programs that can end up in monetary rewards.

What benefits come with decuple NFTs ?

Secure investment plans coming along with the Decuple. As an individual or a corporation, you can use Decuple and platform features to profit and empower your portfolio or business.

How secure is this token ?

Technically speaking, security is the priority of lenzolab. As blockchain technology has advanced secure levels for keeping track of asset ownership, It is the right choice. Using the BEP-721 on the "Binance Smart Chain", we guarantee the ownership of users' assets.
Financially speaking, The great architecture behind the megaject will provide the demand for the token that will lead to the price support.

What is your contract address ?

The main NFT smart contract address is:
Fro more thechnical information please visit our gitbook.